Whenever you look upon an organizations history or success, there’s always a few people that stick out like a sore thumb and they separates themselves from everyone else. As big of a Rangers fan as I can be, I can tell you the biggest impact this organization has & will ever have is the man who brought baseball to Arlington, Texas: Former Mayor, Tom Vandergiff! After 13 Years of being told no by President Nixon, Former Baseball Commissioner, Joe Cronin, finally approved & allowed Tom’s wish to bring a Major League Baseball team to Arlington. It’s 1971 & it’s the Washington Senators final season in our nation’s capital. Prior to the inagural season in Arlington, the Rangers needed a manager and they didn’t just get a normal manager, they got a hall of famer to lead the franchise into a new stadium, a new city, and a new division. That hall of famer would go down to be name Ted Williams. The second biggest impact on the rangers franchise in my opinion is Nolan Ryan. Why him? There’s a few other choices that are close and they are, but Nolan gave us something the Rangers have never had before, an identity. Prior to Nolan’s arrival, the Rangers could never land the marquee free agent. In the 70’s it was Frank Howard, Fergie Jenkins, Gaylord Perry. Into the 90’s we had guys like Pudge, Juan gone, but they were drafted. The difference with Nolan is he was the best player at the time and chose to come to Arlington leaving Houston & forever alerting the history. 5000 Ks, 2- No hitters (Career number 6, 7) not just filling the stands Nolan did, but forever changed the identity for the Rangers. Nolan, just like Tom are forever synonymous in Texas Rangers lore.