Emmanuel Clase has been promoted to Double-A Frisco
Emmanuel Clase promoted
Right-handed pitcher Emmanuel Clase, 21, was just promoted to Double-A Frisco. This is a huge reason to get excited!
RHP Emmanuel Clase promoted to Frisco. Spent last season in Spokane, received a two-level promotion to begin the season, and is out of Down East after barely two weeks. So, you might want to pay attention to the young man and his triple-digit fastball.
? Scott Lucas (@scottrlucas) April 23, 2019
After seeing the above Tweet I went to the RoughRiders site to confirm and sure enough his name is on the roster.
High Heat
I have yet to see Class in person but you better believe that is coming soon. This kid can throw 100 MPH strikes and I can’t wait to see it.
This year at Down East
He had a 2-0 record and pitched 7 innings and allowed 4 hits and struck out 11. His WHIP was 0.714
No. Clase is a reliever. He has 2 filthy pitches and I?m not sure if he even has a 3rd super-shitty pitch. 2-pitches of raw filth, then back to the dugout or a handshake for this kid. https://t.co/xW9cAKs7WQ
— Tepid Participation (@TepidP) April 23, 2019
To be continued….