Shannon Krause

The Prospect Times 2021 Fan of the Year: Shannon Krause

When The Prospect Times began their search for the fan of the year we thought there was a difficult task in front of us. Little did we know there would be unanimous nominations. All votes were for Shannon Krause, who you may not realize you already know from Wednesday visits to the Frisco Ballpark: She’s the one in the Weiner Wednesday hat!

Mason: Hi Shannon! What do you do for a living?

Krause: I’m with FC Dallas. I don’t like soccer nearly as much!

Mason: What do you do for FC Dallas? And what is your favorite part of attending Rider’s games?

Krause: I’m on the medical operations side. I love the whole experience. It’s great to see the players coming up- some of these guys are special players. But it’s also so much fun meeting everyone. We’ve become friends with ushers, fire fighters, staff. It’s like a family.

Mason: Tell me about the start of the Weiner Wednesday Hat.

Krause: I wanted a hot dog hat. It was like a life goal! So I got one at Party City and it was Weiner Wednesday so I’m like yeah, I’m going to wear it to the game. Then I got a taco hat too. I’m all about having fun. Now when I don’t wear people ask me what’s wrong?

Mason: Other than Weiner Wednesday what has been your favorite theme night?

Krause: I really like the State Fair Nights; because I love the State Fair. We go about 17 times a year! One of my favorite times was Dude Perfect Night. I won the Yohander Mendez jersey and he borrowed my sunglasses for the picture!( the night itself was too crazy for me). In 2016, I was crowned Miss Rough Rider on Steve Harvey night. I still have my tiara and I’m not ashamed to write that I made my own sash.

Mason: I was there on Dude Perfect night. It was packed! Funny story, my kid brought a boy with us on our family outing. First time we’d met him. Now they are married! What’s your favorite part of the ballpark?

Krause: That’s awesome! Congratulations! Section 120 ; but I love Riders Club, especially when there’s a cheese plate( shoutout to Chef Jeremy:)) My son works there so sometimes that’s the only time I see him.

Mason: Brings me to the next question: you can pick one ballpark concession stand food- what are you eating?

Krause: Pretzel, hands down.

Mason: If you had a walk up song, what would it be?

Krause: “Let’s Go” by Trick Daddy

Mason: Favorite Rider past or present?

Krause: Lewis Brinson. ( Yoel Espinal was the cutest!)

Congratulations to Shannon Krause on earning The Prospect Times 2021 Fan of the Year.