Dr Pepper Ballpark, Riders Winter Wonderland

Riders Winter Wonderland was a success.

Any RougherRiders fans looking for an excuse to go to Dr Pepper Ballpark? Do you have kids and want to get them out of house on a Friday night? Want hot chocolate and a movie? Are you in the giving spirit?

I answered yes to all of these questions.

The RougherRiders are hosting their Riders Winter Wonderland event this Friday December 6th from 6 PM to 9 PM.

The only thing you need to bring with you is a gift. Admission is free. There will be a movie, hot chocolate, Santa Claus and Mrs Claus and what is sure to be my kids favorite: Live Reindeer. If you plan on shopping in the Riders Outpost you will get 30% off of your total purchase. It’s like another black Friday sale! And did I mention that admission is free?

Most importantly, any toy you bring is going to be donated to Toys for Tots. Riders Winter Wonderland is sure to be a blast and my family and I will be there. Will we see you there?

Update***Riders Winter Wonderland was a success

There were tons of toys donated for Toys for Tots at Riders Winter Wonderland

I don’t know how many boxes of toys there were but I am extremely proud of the amount I saw. There are tons of people in the giving spirit and that’s really what this time of year is about.

My family had a great time; from decorating cookies, or seeing Prancer and making s’mores.