MLB teams to provide housing for Minor-Leaguers

It has been widely reported that Major League Baseball will require all teams to provide housing for their Minor-League players.

Most would agree that this is long overdue. It’s been reported on quite extensively the last few years about the lack of pay and housing for Minor-Leaguers. This is certainly a step in the right direction but not a cure-all.

Player salaries still don’t add up to much. The range of salaries depends on the level the player is at, but it ranges from $400-$700 a week. And that level of pay was just increased this year.

Remember, players only get paid during the season so many will work two or even three jobs to make ends meet in the off-season.

I know of instances where minor league players have to live with a host family to save money on food and housing. It is not uncommon for players to room with several other players to split the cost of housing.

There are still some details that are unclear, like whether this will be through a stipend or through some other arrangement, but the detail that is clear is that this is a step in the right direction.

This is a developing story and will be updated.